Friday, July 22, 2011

Using A Good Beer Brewing Kit

Many factors may influence you to try beer brewing. It is likely that at some point you realized that you too could make a good beer. Perhaps it was after tasting an import beer, or trying a micro brew beer and realizing how much it cost you to buy that beer. You figure the beer tasted good, but was pretty expensive. You may have thought there had to be a way to make that beer and not cost so much. If you have had that thought, then you are on your way yo getting started home beer brewing.

There is a vast community of beer lovers worldwide. And there is a growing number of people beer brewing at home. It is almost a shame that there is so much mass produced beer, but then there are many beer lovers that do not wish to try beer brewing. But that is also ok, because you are not one of them. You have decided to give it a try, and you will be rewarded.

Beer brewing is not too difficult, and making good beer is relatively easy to do. As long as you want to learn how to make great beer, this is an easy hobby to get started in. There is a learning curve, as well as some basic fundamentals, but this can be one of the most enjoyable learning processes you ever experience.

The best part is the fact that there is no one way to make beer. So many different variables exist--different beer brewing methods, and a variety of ingredients to use as well as ways to combine them, that you will constantly learn new facets of this hobby. This keeps things interesting and allows you find what ways best fit you so that your beer brewing experience will be the most enjoyable to you. The basic ingredients for beer brewing are yeast, water, hops, and grains. How you combine them has almost endless possibilities, resulting in a wide range of possible finished beers. No matter how you mix the ingredients, you can use the same equipment and process to achieve the desired end result. With all the possibilities, it is just a matter of getting started.

Research online to learn about all of the possibilities. Through it all, you will start to see which ways appeal the most to you, and that will help you determine what you need to get started. More experienced "beer purists" may advocate that you start off a certain way, and that you will need expensive equipment or ingredients in order to make great beer.

However, this isn't true. There are many ways to make good beer, and you can start simple and cheap and still make great beer. Take advantage of more experienced home brewers, both online and locally, and seek out differing opinions. You will see there is no "right" way to do it--just find what works for you. Plus, the various opinions will only teach you more and make you a better brewer. But the key thing to remember is at first, you are simply trying to master the basics of beer brewing.

Keep it simple to start, once you have the fundamentals down, then you can look to expand and experiment. There is no need to break the bank getting started. A simple, inexpensive starter equipment kit is more than sufficient, and will get you through many batches over time. You will quickly learn that making small, simple adjustments can have dramatic impacts on your beers flavor, so spending a bunch of money is not a prerequisite for making great beer. Once you have some batches under your belt, then you can look to spend some money to try different things. You will also have more knowledge and be better able to determine where that money is best spent to improve the quality of your beer and your beer brewing experience.

The purpose of your first few batches is to learn the process. You are not trying to make the best beer you ever had. Rather, you simply want to make something that is drinkable. You have plenty of time to hone your skills and eventually become a "beer purist".

Then you can worry about being particular over your beer. In the meantime, enjoy the learning curve, and getting your feet wet. There is no shame in starting with a basic starter kit. Remember, all home brewers have to start somewhere, including the "purists"!

The best thing about the kits is that they come with everything you need to produce a batch of beer. You don't have to worry about anything, other than learning the process of beer brewing. Once you have that solid foundation, then you can really have fun experimenting with new ingredients and different processes. Remember, you have to walk before you can run. But once you learn to walk in beer brewing, you may never stop running.

Get a free beer brewing e book to get started today!
Be sure to check out my blog for more info about beer brewing

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