Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beer - From A Non Beer Drinker's Perspective

Contrary to popular belief, not everybody likes beer. I know that all the beer drinkers in the world will read this and probably head for the back button on their browser. Well, that's fine, but if you want to get into the mind of a non beer drinker and understand why he or she doesn't drink beer, you might want to read what follows. At least you'll understand why there are actually some people who would rather walk on hot coals than drink a bottle of beer.

For starters, do you remember the very first time you took a sip of beer? Of course you do. It was just before you wanted to barf all over the bartenders cash register. It was bitter, it was disgusting and it was just plain not something you ever wanted to drink again. And then you looked around at all your cool friends, seeing them enjoying their ice cold brew and you thought to yourself, "If I don't drink this beer they are all going to laugh at me". So you bit the bullet and finished your brew. Eventually and it took time, you got used to the taste and actually began to enjoy it. You beat your better senses. You became a beer drinker.

Well, non beer drinkers simply didn't bow to peer pressure. They took that first sip, realized that what they were drinking tasted like something out of a bathroom tap rather than an alcohol tap and said, "The heck with my friends. I'll be darned if I'm going to drink this.". . You can fill in the blank with your own descriptive and colorful word. The point is, you refused to cave in. Your real friends would still be your friends even if you didn't turn into a beer drinker.

But not caving into peer pressure is not the only reason non beer drinkers don't drink beer. Let's face it, beer is fattening. They call them beer bellies for a reason and anybody who wants to have any chance to score with a really hot girl doesn't want to look like Fernando Valenzuela. It's hard enough getting girls these days even if you're good looking since most good looking men are automatically assumed to be uninterested in women. And if you're thinking that you can always drink light beer, well, that stuff tastes worse than the regular beer, if it has any taste at all.

But there's still another reason why non beer drinkers don't drink beer. This applies to people who do socially drink something. Obviously, those who don't drink any type of alcoholic beverage aren't going to drink beer. But for those who do drink, the reason they will choose other beverages, such as mixed drinks or wine coolers over beer, even if they don't mind the taste of beer so much, is that these other drinks have a different social status attached to them. Most beer drinkers are looked at as the common man. Men who are investment brokers for a living want to project a different kind of image. So they will pick a martini over a beer, even if they have nothing against the taste itself.

So the next time you're with a friend of yours and you offer him a beer and he says no thanks, don't go jumping to conclusions. There could be many reasons why he just doesn't drink beer.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Beer [http://beer-guides.com/]

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